Body Art is the most ancient form of art which existed even before the human species learned to cover the body with animal skin or better Leaves ;-) . They used to paint there body with colours which they extracted from leaves or made from different natural things around them.
Another form of art was that of piercing the body with different sharp materials and keeping them pierced for years to come.
In some tribal community the chief of the tribe is recognised by the number of piercing the person has done throughout the years and this ritual is going on for centuries.
It is amazing to see how body art has evolved from being an obligation to fashion statement in recent times. 95% of people in India alone has some or other body art on them it can be a simple ear piercing and can be a tattoo anywhere in body.
Earlier centuries women used to do piercing so that they can look beautiful by wearing those enormous stones/gems. Looks like we have followed that tradition beautifully over the centuries ,and no doubt we have taken the legacy ahead by not only making it more beautiful but appealing in our own way ..
When a girl does Navel piercing it is considered to be attractive and when a boy goes for eyebrow piercing forgetting the fear of pain inevitably he gets the tag of cool dude.
I still remember my personal experience when i went for navel piercing , i had mixed emotions of fear and excitement and once the piercing was done i was on seventh heaven :-D may be eighth , seriously i don't remember i just knew that i have done something that will be with me , my secret.
Same goes for the tattoos they are with us for centuries and this concept of tattoo have been used in movies and the latest trend being the person whom you love you have the name tattooed on your hand and several other things .
Piercings are in a way permanent on your body but the best part about tattoos is that they can be temporaray also and seriously i wont mind getting one myself one day which will be permanent :-P .
For now i have had many temporary ones ..
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