Sunday, December 6, 2009
I Love You
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Trip To Lonavala
Well well i am sure that people who have lived in Pune will go to Lonavala atleast once in their stay here,thats the custom i guess :-P
Guess what :-) i completed one year in Pune by going to Lonavala. it was a fun trip for me. We went on bike so there was no protection what so ever from the wind,dust and small small flying objects which inevitably found their way in my eyes and mouth( i swallowed one of them yuukkss!!!! ) .
We started out journey at 1800 hours from where i stay praying to god that "PLEASE DONT RAIN" , This trip was not at all about sightseeing it was more about being on bike :-D and ya how can i forget the Rs 4 tea in Lonavala. So in short we went to have tea in Lonavala. That was out aim while going there. Our avg speed was 60 km/h and we had to stop for a Sutta Break(Smoke Break) as my partner in crime needed it . The person whom i went with is the confident and safest biker . While going through the old highway there were three things which stuck me most. First being the countryside around me it was beautiful. I have almost visited all the hill stations in northern India so small cliffs now dont entice me so much but i was awestuck by the sights i saw in a cloudy evening. Lets come to the second thing it has to be the no. housing societies out in nowhere which made me realise that in next 10 years the countryside that i saw will be milling with crowd and the greenry thats there now if not maintained will be lost. Last and the final, I asked my partner in crime why there are so many heavy vehicle on old highway when they have the pleasure of using the new express highway. The answer that was given to me was "CHEAP" ok what i mean here is, the toll is cheaper than express highway. Now that proves The point of Russell Peters that "INDIANS ARE CHEAP"(No offence intended towards anyone) .
We reached Lonavala by 2000 hrs and had the famous " Tea " :-) which was no doubt refreshing and Lonavala in famous for its Chikkis so i got some from there and half of it was finished on the way only it was soo good. We left Lonavala around 2030 hrs and it was drizzling at that moment and guess what by the time we reached the starting of the Lonavala it was pouring and we were wet so we experienced the famous ghat rain too. We had to stop at first toll bridge for fifteen minutes so that we can talk to our Moms and get saved from the warth of raingod. From there we started our journey back and TRUST ME we completed the journey in less than 40 mins,we had an average speed of 80 km/hr and we were speechless and and i enjoyed that ride. HAve you ever felt the thrill of passing between two vehicles on a decent speed of 70 , i felt it and it was an awsm feeling.
By the time we reached home we had mud pack on our face and our hair was entangled with fine dust bu the feeling in my heart my something that i just cant comprehend in words.
Monday, July 27, 2009
!*! Body Art !*!

Friday, June 26, 2009
IrR!T@t!ng Pe0pLE
I have such people in office where i spend more than 12 hours in a day with these dreadful pathetic species. They know no limits for their Dirty / Pathetic / Poor jokes and can go on doing stuffs which to sane people looks BAD.
I have worked in Wipro BPO for 2 years and enjoyed that experience before moving to WT ( in simple words becoming a more sophisticated girl/lady and a big bore also :-P) When i moved to WT i was a bit apprehensive to peoples reaction in WT because i had a notion that in WT people are big snob and snooty but when i met "WT GUYS" They were nice to me. In my project i met this TL who commented on how unprofessional "WE" are ( Here we refers to people who have transffered from BPO to WT ) at that very moment he was the biggest cribbest and the monsterous person for me however now when i look back and analyze why that comment was made i can understand because WT is a place of Very sophisticated,Well educated( half of it is in papers only ) and silent people and when we made noise or were boisterous they thought that its just luck that brought us here with no hardwork what so ever..When i look now around me i know why that TL made that comment because i am sure that in a silent room when you are trying to concentrate over something and suddenly you find a guy giving out throaty laugh with no heart in it.. it sounds like 100 steel vassels falling at same time.. ITS irrriiitating!!!!!
See thats just a small example i can give out probably 100 of these kinds .. and i go through these things daily ..
But you know what helps me cope up!!
Its the faith in GOD that someday we will have ample amount of Feviquick in our project that we can seal their mouths ance and for ALL!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
10 Things I Hate About You
I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me ryhme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ever felt this feeling when someone did something exceptionally good and you knew that you could have done the same thing in better way or for that matter when that special person in your life goes on talking or smsing someone when you are there.
This is one feeling that not even GOD could not avoid... Perfect example will be our very own MAHABHARAT… Where Duryodhan was jealous just because he could not get Draupadi J hee hee hee... I know its mythology but this puts up a nice example for a strong feeling like this which is just so difficult to understand or to put in words. Most of the time we are jealous of someone whom we know don’t know at all... Because that creates fear in our mind as we are not aware of the strengths and weakness of the other person and any one of us who would not be jealous will be termed as “OVER CONFIDENT” over one self...
Jealousy is often a feeling that generates a lot of anger which is always negative and is of no good use. When you are jealous you just don’t care about what your dear ones feel. This is bad as you hurt them just because you are not feeling good about someone or something.
Lovers or People who are in louuuuuuuu often feel jealous of the closest friend of their love as they seem to be more close to them.
This just hampers the relation that you share with that one special person. So don’t be Jealous as it brings you nothing good but just all negative and bad things.
Question for all people who would read this:
Why is green associated with jealousy? (I thought a lot could not get any answer)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lets take some scenarios :
.. You just see the person and MAY BE you can have love at first sight or as you interact with the person you fall in love in slowly and gradually. oNe day comes when you just realise how much you love that person who always remains there in all the phases. you propose and the person says that magical word "YES" . yoU GET WHAT YOU WANT .... HAPPY ENDING .. RARE SCENARIOS
You meet a person and you hate the person from the first look and think that he is the biggest playboy you would find around. YOU IGNORE the person..BUt not for very long some how you people talk and thats how everythings begins.. MIND IT .. YOU STILL "dislike the person" but not HATE now... Even when you dislike the person you like sharing things which you would not even share with anyone else..You start doing things together. Now he is your "CASUAL FRIEND" .Then one day you decide to go out its that day when you realise how deeply you feel for that person... its then that the DEVILS welcome you to that ditch which is so deep that you cannot find an end to it...You fall head over heels now... for the first time becoming serious in a express your feelings its then that you get a stab that the person whom you have started feeling feels for some one else and you .. YOU ARE JUST A FRIEND nothing more.. You think fine i wont fall in this ditch and this is nothing more than infatuation .. YOU WOULD GET OVER IT.. you think that once and thats it... and it would be finished.. BUT NO.. you just cant get over your feellings.. your feelings makes you so weak that you lose your everything over it .. when i say everything i mean it your peace,sleep everything .. One day you fight with that "MOST IMPORTANT PERSON" you become so hurt that you decide its better if you end your life .. you break up everything that you have with that person.. Now the other person who understands very well what feelings you have for him tries to console you but you are one adament fool and want to do what you want.. from here on there are 2 endings that you can choose (choice is yours)
1. You finish off your life and you finish everything that existed .
2. You live but with this hope that someday the person whom you love so much that you want to live for that person rather than die will understand and your life will change over night and you wil became the happiest person rather than cribbiest hee hee hee...
This story can go on .. many of you can finish the story your way .. i didnt wish to bore anyone so this is it...
I find that if people have reason for loving some one its a selfish love ... love without reason .. love all the bad things the other person has ....and most of all....
Monday, May 18, 2009
Like some dreams unfulfilled
It goes like this
Like a girl who goes from palace to field
People think how she is..
Question remains what she is
She moves in air. With a feeling of despair
People who oogle thinks she is an awsm stare
In her heart she thinks cant she be invisible
So that she cannot be answerable…
Wind can only be felt and not seen
Hope she could be the same
So the she could make people feel what she carries in her heart
Rather than they guessing what she is..
Summer Storm
Leaving me withered and torn
I just want to scream and cry
I want to give up and not Try
I want blood to gush out of me
Leaving me pale and forlorn..
Its so easy for Him to say
For get all ..
I wish I could do that
Forget you and your memories
Kill you from me….
Take you out of my self..
Set you free..
Like you want..
Go away from you …
Like never before…
IS it so easy ??
I ask myself in this lonely night..
My heart says..
His memories will remain with you ..
Till you live and after you die..